About for your dissertation or doctoral study

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Reference no: EM133160750

Is there a topic or idea that has been on your mind that you are thinking about for your dissertation or doctoral study? Is there a problem in your work or social sphere that you feel compelled to understand and act upon? Have you read a story or viewed a documentary and thought "I could do something like that"?

These are just a few of the ways Walden students become inspired to choose what they would like to study for their dissertation or doctoral study.

Once you have watched this week's Scholar of Change video, you have the opportunity to reflect on how that student merged their academic studies with their passion for making a difference. In this Discussion, you have an opportunity to start that journey, to consider a topic you would like to explore.

For this Discussion, you will explore topics in your discipline of interest to you that you want to research using a qualitative approach.

Reference no: EM133160750

Questions Cloud

Information resource to evaluate author and source : Why is it important to look beyond an information resource to evaluate the author and the source?
Developing unit of curriculum for K-12 or adult learning : Share your experience about developing a unit of curriculum for K-12 or adult learning. What "tips and tricks" would you recommend to other educators?
What was the company direct material price variance : Information on Tulip Company's direct material costs follows: Actual direct materials used 20,000 grams. What was the company's direct material price variance
Start awakening your curiosity : Start awakening your curiosity. Share with us how you view the role of question asking will enhance your ability as both a student and a future educator.
About for your dissertation or doctoral study : Is there a topic or idea that has been on your mind that you are thinking about for your dissertation or doctoral study?
Enrollment management is critical component : Enrollment management is a critical component on any college campus. From the first point of contact with potential students to bringing in the freshman class
Medical facility to ask about person pronouns : Why is it important for medical staff at any medical facility to ask about a person's pronouns?
Criteria list of important capabilities for formulation : Discuss a criteria list of important capabilities for the formulation and selection of an information system.
Do leaders who make unethical decisions do so consciously : In the legal system, some crimes are considered more serious than others. Do leaders who make unethical decisions do so consciously?


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