A business plan: gift shop

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13137 , Length: 25

This Project Report is a business plan for a Gift Shop. It contains all the prospects and essentials which are must to be there before start up with the same. This business plan contains the given heads:-

1.      Introduction

2.      Objective

3.      Category of the product

4.      System analysis

  • Need identification
  • Preliminary investigation
  • Feasibility study
  • Technical feasibility
  • Operational feasibility
  • Project planning
  • Project scheduling
  • Gantt chart
  • Software and Hardware specifications
  • Functional requirements

5.      Conceptual models:

  • Data Flow Diagram 1
  • Data Flow Diagram 2
  • ERD

6.      Design considerations

  • Compatibility
  • Excitability
  • Fault tolerance
  • Maintainability
  • Reliability
  • Reusability

7.      Modularization details:

  • Registration Module
  • Sign in Module
  • Product detail Module
  • Product List Module
  • Add to cart Module
  • Order detail module
  • Order History Module
  • Checkout Module

1.      Data Design

2.      User interphase design

3.      Table details

4.      Screen shots

5.      Coding and validation

  • Code efficiency
  • Validation check

6.      Security

  • Use and access rights
  • Data security
  • Hacking security

7.      Testing

  • Unit testing
  • Integrated testing
  • System functioning testing
  • Techniques for test
  • Test cases

8.      Future scope

9.      Bibliography

This is a structured business plan for a gift shop and contains all the possible aspects to be taken into consideration.

Reference no: EM13137

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