Simplex Table Assignment Help

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Simplex Table

        Computational procedures in the simplex method require the construction of the simplex table which can be done in different ways. All of which however, led to the same optimum solution. The initial simplex table is formed by writing out the coefficients and constraints of linear programming problem in a systematic tabular form. The rules used for the construction of the initial simplex table are same in both the maximization and minimization problems.

        Consider the general linear programming problem as stated below:

                                     Maximize Z = C1X + C2X2 +......+CnXn

                                    Subject to the constraints

                                    A11X1 + a12X2 +......+ a1n xn< b1

                                                A21X1 + a22x2 +.....+a2nxn> b2

                                                Am1X1+ am2X2 +...... + amnXn< b m

And                                                                                   X1,X2,...., Xn >0

Introducing slack variables to convert inequalities into equations the above problem reduces to the form:

Maximize Z = C1X1 + C2 X2 + ......+ Cn Xn +0. S1 +0. S2 + ...+0. Sm

Subject to the constraints

                                    A11X1 + a12 X2 +.....+ a1nXn + S1 = b1

                                    A21 X1+ a22X2+....+ a2nXn +S2 = b2

                                                Am1 X1 + am2X2 +....+ amnXn + Sm = bm

And                                  x1,x2......, xn; s1, s2,...., sm > 0

The first row, called the objective row of the simplex table indicates the values of Cj (j subscripts refer to the column number) which are the coefficients of the (m+n) variables in the objective function. These coefficients are obtained directly from the objective function and the values of Cj would remain the same in the succeeding tables. The second row of the table provides the major column headings for the table and these column headings remain unchanged

            The first column Cb called the objective column are the coefficients of the current basic variables in the objective function. The second column B (known as product mix column) point out the basic variables in the basis, and in the initial simplex table these basic variables are the slack variables. The third column (quantity column) b=XB indicates the resources or the solution values of the basic variables.

The identity matrix in the simplex table represent the coefficients of the slack variables that have been added to the original inequalities to make them equations. Each simplex table contains an identity matrix under the basic variables. The matrix under non-basic variables in the simplex table is called coefficient matrix. The number aij in the coefficient matrix will either be negative zero or positive.

            The row labeled Zij contains the sum of the products of the numbers in the CB column times the corresponding under each column variable in the main body of the table. The value of Zj under each column variable represents the amount of profit loss (opportunity cost) for each unit variable that is brought into solution at the current iteration.

            The final row, Cj - Zj row called the index row or net evaluation row is determined by subtracting the Zj value from the corresponding Cj value. Each number in the index row represents the net marginal improvement on the objective function if one unit of each variable xj is brought into the solution as the current iteration.

            Finally the value of the objective function for the current solution (given in the right bottom of the table) is determined by the sum of the products of the number XB column and the corresponding numbers in the CB column.


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