Design of Metal Casting Tools Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Tool Engineering and Management - Design of Metal Casting Tools

Design of Metal Casting Tools

Large number of tools and other type of equipment are employed in casting industry, specifically in sand molding, for performing different foundry operations. All of them can be categorized into following categories:

Hand Tools

Hand Tools is employed for doing operations by hand.

Mechanical Tools

Mechanical Tools is employed in mechanized foundries. These tools involve different types of molding machines, power riddles, sand mixers, conveyors etc.


Containers are used for carrying sand molds and molten metal from one place to other.


After studying this unit, you should be able to

A. Understand hand tools,

B. Understand mechanical tools, and

C. Understand moulding containers.

Containers – Types of Casting Tools Hand Tools
Hand Tools - Rammer Mechanical Tools
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