Base and Derived Units of the SI System Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> The SI Units - Base and Derived Units of the SI System

Base and Derived Units of the SI System

The basis of the SI units rests upon seven base units and two supplementary units that are listed in first table shown below. From such base units we can derive other units to state quantities like power, area, force and so forth. There is actually no limit to the number of units we can derive, though some take place so often that they have been given extraordinary names. Therefore, rather than saying that the unit of force is kg.m/s2, we employ the less cumbersome term “Newton”. Some of the derived units that have special names are listed in the second table shown below.

                                1633_Base and Derived Units of the SI System.png

                                             Base and Derived Units of the SI System


                        1908_Base and Derived Units of the SI System 1.png

                                         Table: Derived Units with Special Names

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