Projection of Points Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Orthographic Projections - Projection of Points

Projection of Points:

As shown in Sections, there are merely two standard methods of projection. These are third angle method of projection and the first angle method of projection. During the first angle projection method, the object is considered to be situated in the first quadrant that is above HP, and in front of VP. And throughout third angle projection method, the object is considered in the third quadrant, i.e. behind VP and below HP.

The object is never considered in the second or fourth quadrants. This statement is true for solid objects only. Whenever we wish to draw the projection of points and lines also, these may be considered in any type of the quadrant.

A point might be in I, II, III and IV quadrant, or it may lie also on any or mutually the reference planes at a time.

Correspondingly, a line say AB, may contain its one end A or else both ends A and B in any type of the four quadrants or else the whole line AB may be lying in one or both planes or else the line may have one end in one quadrant and the other end in other quadrant.

Projections of a Point located in a Plane Projections of a Point located in the Fourth Quadrant
Projections of a Point R located in the Third Quadrant Projections of a Point Situated in Second Quadrant
Projections of Point located in the First Quadrant
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