Work Stations Assignment Help

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Work Stations

The predominant workstations utilized in FMS are the CNC Machine tools. The major requirement for a machine tool to be integrated into FMS is that it needs to be fully automatic. That means the machine tool must have an automatic tool changer as well as automatic pallet changer for work piece transport. Such a typical machine tool for milling is illustrated in Figure 2.

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Figure 2: Typical machining centre appropriate for integration into an

Typically, the APC might have a capacity of only two pallets. To enhance the capacity of the machine, it might be necessary to add external pallet supply system so that it might be used continuously. A schematic of a machining center is illustrated in Figure 3 with a pallet changer having only two pallets.

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Fig 3: Machining Centres for with Pallets Use in FMS

However, in such cases some arrangement needs to be provided with pallets to be fed to the APC at regular intervals based upon the machining cycle of the parts. There might be many arrangements that may be used with pallets. One simple arrangement might be a pallet carousal with a number of pallets on which that blanks might be setup as illustrated in Figure 4.

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Fig 4: Machining Centres for Use in FMS with an Extended Pallet Supply by using Pallet carousal

Thus this machine will not need any attention till all the work pieces in the pallet carousal are completed. It can be used for standalone machines, which may be left unattended in the third shift. Such machines are called as Flexible Machining Modules (FMM). When larger number of pallets is needed, then instead of pallet carousal, a linear carousal that is basically a pallet stand becomes convenient as illustrated in Figure 5.

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Fig 5: Machining Centres for Use in FMS with an Extended Pallet Supply

In the case of linear carousal, it becomes essential to provide a pallet transport vehicle to move the pallets from the stand to the machine and vice-versa. Another advantage with such an arrangement is that when essential it will be possible to extend the capacity by simply adding another machining centre as illustrated in Figure 6.

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               Fig 6: Machining Centres for Use in FMS with a Pallet Pool

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