Log-Log Plot of Electromagnetic Radiation Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Logarithmic Graphs - Log-Log Plot of Electromagnetic Radiation

Log-Log Plot of Electromagnetic Radiation:

In short, the type of coordinate system used to plot data, cartesian, semi-log, or log-log, should be based on the kind of function to be graphed and the desired shape (curve or line) of the curve wanted.

Cartesian system - Linear (y = mx + b) category functions while plotted will provide straight lines; exponential functions (y = ex) will plot as curves.

Semi-log system - Should not plot linear category functions on semi-log.  Exponential functions, like as radioactive decay and reactor power equations while plotted will graph as straight lines.

Log-log -  Rarely used to plot power equations.

1437_Log-Log Plot of Electromagnetic Radiation.png

Figure: Log-Log Plot of Frequency vs. Wavelength of Electromagnetic Radiation

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