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Assignment Help: >> Integrals and Summations in Physical Systems - Example


1. Give the physical interpretation of the following equation relating the work, W, complete when a force, F, moves a body from position x1 to x2.

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The physical meaning of this equation can be begin in terms of a summation.  The total amount of work completed equals the integral of F dx from x = x1 to x = x2.  This can be visualized as taking a product of the instantaneous force, F, and the incremental change in position dx at each point among x1 and x2, and summing all of these products.

2. Give the physical interpretation of the subsequent equation relating the amount of radioactive material present as a function of the elapsed time, t, and the decay constant, λ.

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The physical meaning of this equation could be beginning in terms of a summation.  A negative of the product of the decay constant, λ, and the elapsed time, t, equals the integral of dN /N from N = N 0 to n = n1.   This integral can be visualized as taking the quotient of the incremental change in N and divided via the value of N at each point between N0 and N1, and summing all of these quotients.

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