Temperature Detection Circuitry Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Instrumentation And Control - Temperature Detection Circuitry

Temperature Detection Circuitry:

A bridge circuit is used whenever extremely accurate resistance measurements are needed (like as RTD measurements).

 Given a simplified schematic diagram of a basic bridge circuit and STATE the aim of the following elements:

a.         R1 and R2

b.         Rx

c.         Adjustable resistor

d.         Sensitive ammeter

DESCRIBE the bridge circuit conditions that create a balanced bridge.

Given a block diagram of a basic temperature instrument detection and control system and STATE the purpose of the subsequent blocks:

a.         RTD

b.         Bridge circuit

c.         DC-AC converter

d.         Amplifier

e.         Balancing motor/mechanical linkage

 DESCRIBE the temperature instrument indication(s) for the subsequent circuit faults:

a.         Short circuit

b.         Open circuit

 EXPLAIN the three methods of bridge circuit compensation for changes in ambient temperature.

Bridge Circuit Construction Bridge Circuit Operation
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