H-O model Assignment Help

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H-O model:

According to  the H-0  model, trade  takes place  in a  gainful manner with  important effects upon  prices, wages and  rents (factor prices), when  countries differ in their relative factor endowments and when different industries use factors  in different proportions. This is explained  by Figure  If  two  goods,  X  and  Y,  are produced with  different production functions, a possible equilibrium  situation  is as shown  in Figure.  At points R and S  the factors  of production are allocated so  that the quantities  specified  by the isoquants  (X1 of X and Y1 of Y) are being produced at the lowestpossib/e  cost given the  factor prices.  In  other words, at R and S  the  two isoquants  are tangential  to  the lowest possible isocost line, which has a slope equal to the factor price ratio, the line AB.  It follows that the ratio of the marginal  product of labour to the marginal product of capital  is the same for the  two products, and that both are equal to the ratio of the wage rate to the return to capital (the negative of the slope of the line AB).

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Another possible equilibrium  is shown by points R  and T, where again the slope  of  the Xisoquant at R is equal  to  the slope  of  the Y  isoquant at T  and both are equal to the given factor ratio. An alternative way of deriving this important result is to draw upon another standard result from microeconomics,  that a producer facing given factor and producer prices will maximise his profits by purchasing factors to the point where the value of the marginal product of each factor (the marginal product times the price of the good) is equal to the price of the factor. Algebraically, using  MPL  and  MPK  to show the marginal products of labour and capital respectively, P for prices, w as the wage rate, and r as the return to capital, we have MPLyPy =  w and MPKyPy = r from which it is easy  to show  that in order to maximise profits the producer must combine capital and labour so  that

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If the producer were producing good Y at a point such as Urather than point S then he would not be maximising profits. At U  the marginal product of capital in producing Y is lower than it is at point S,  and so the value of the marginal product of capital in producing Y at point U (the marginal product times the price of Y)  is lower  than the cost of the unit of capital. Similarly, the value of the marginal product of labour at point U  is higher than the cost of the labour. Profits would be increased by employing more labour and less capital, the capital-labour ratio would  decrease, and we would move to  a point  such as S or T

If  for some  reason factor prices were to change, factor intensities would also change. Let us assume that the price of  labour compared with the price of  capital increases. Then more capital-intensive methods  of  production will be  used  in  both lines of

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production, as shown in Figure . Before the price change OA of capital cost the same to purchase  as OB of labour, but after  the  change OA  'of capital costs the same as OB  '  of labour, and OA  " of capital costs the same as OB  " labour. The two budget  lines A'B'  and A"  B"  are parallel, and steeper than the original budget line AB. As labour  is now more expensive and capital  is cheaper  than before,  so  that methods of production become more capital-intensive for both goods. If the desired production of X  is still X, then the capital and labour combination will be at point R :  and the higher capital- labour ratio in X is shown  by the slope of line OR '  being steeper  than that of line OR. Similarly, quantity Y,  of good Y will now be produced at point S' and the slope of the line OS',  and the slope of the line 0s' is steeper  than that of line 0s.

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