Long-term Strategy Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Energy Strategy for the Future - Long-term Strategy

Long-term Strategy

  Efficient generation of energy resources

1          Efficient production of coal, oil and natural gas.

2          Reduction of natural gas flaring.

3          Clean coal technology.

b    Improving energy infrastructure

1          Building new refineries.

2          Creation of urban gas transmission and distribution network.

3          Maximizing efficiency of rail transport of coal.

4          Building new coal and gas fired power stations.

c    Enhancing energy efficiency

1          Improving energy efficiency in accordance with national, socio- economic, and environmental priorities.

2          Promotion of energy efficiency and emission standards.

3          Labeling programmes for products and adoption of energy efficient technologies in large industries.

d    Deregulation and privatization of energy sector

1          Reducing cross-subsidies on oil products and electricity tariffs.

2          Decontrolling coal prices and making natural gas prices competitive.

3          Privatization of oil, coal and power sectors for improved efficiency.

e    Investment legislation to attract foreign investments

1        Streamlining the approval procedure for attracting private sector participation in power generation, distribution and transmission.

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