Statistical parametric mapping, Programming Languages

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A large offshore accommodation barge is to be converted into a floating luxury hotel.  It will be connected to a single point mooring buoy (SPM) in a beautiful inland loch where there are no tidal variations and where the water depth is uniform at 75m.  Your task is to write a mooring analysis program in Fortran to assist the designers in configuring and optimising the spread mooring system for the SPM.

1794_SPM Analysis Program.png

Your program is to accommodate up to 10 mooring lines.  The data for the mooring system is to be input from a data file, the form of which will be  specified below.  Note that each mooring line may have different characteristics  i.e. different "force versus extension" variations.  A description of how a chain mooring line works is given in figure.

Your program should produce results as follows: first, details for the equilibrium position of the mooring buoy when all N mooring lines are attached; second, details of the "excursions" from this equilibrium position when the design maximum environmental forces  (wind plus current) are exerted on the  floating hotel 1

In each case the line tensions are to be given as percentages of maximum allowable line tensions, and an indication of the accuracy of the final balance of forces is to be shown.  Output is to be to the screen, but with an option to repeat the output to a text file for  storage/printing.  Appropriately selected items of  input data  are  to be  included  in the output to the screen and the text file before the analysis results in order to give context to the results being displayed or stored.

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