Splaying procedure, Data Structure & Algorithms

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For splaying, three trees are maintained, the central, left & right sub trees. At first, the central subtree is the complete tree and left and right subtrees are empty. The target key is compared to the root of the central subtree where the following two conditions are possible:

a) Target > Root: If target is greater than the root, then the search will be more to the right and in the procedure, the root and its left subtree are shifted to the left tree.

b) Target < Root: If the target is less than the root, then the search is shifted to the left, moving the root and its right subtree to right tree.

We repeat the comparison procedure till either of the following conditions is satisfied:

a) Target is found: In this, insertion would create a duplicate node. Therefore, original node is maintained. Deletion would lead to elimination the root node.

b) Target is not found and we reach a null node: In this case, target is inserted in the null node position.

Now, the tree is reassembled. For the target node, which is the new root of our tree, the largest node is the left subtree & is linked to its left child and the smallest node in the right subtree is connected as its right child.

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