Show cardiovascular risk factors, Biology

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Q. Show Cardiovascular Risk Factors?

It must be coming in your mind several times that why do some people suffer from heart disease while others do not? Well the most obvious reason is that they are more susceptible due to the presence of certain risk factors. Now what is a risk factor and what are the risk factors for CHD? The factors that play mole in causing or increasing the risk of getting the cardiovascular disease are called risk factors. Figure illustrates these risk factors. As you may have noticed in the figure, these factors are classified as modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors. Modifiable risk factors are those, which we have control over. For example, obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, physical inactivity etc. By themselves they are major risk factors, which increase our risk of developing CHD. Positive healthy living, smoke- free air, good nutrition, regular physical activity, and supportive living and working environments can go a long way in preventing CHD. Non-modifiable risk factors are those that we have no control over such as hereditary, age, gender etc.

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