Shell script for a given number is armstrong number or not, Programming Languages

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  W.A.S.S to check whether a given number is Armstrong number or not.




# W.A.S.S to check that whether a given number is prime or not.


echo "Enter the Number:"

read num





while test $num -gt 0                                   #while loop


   temp=`expr $num % 10`          #extract the digit by digit

   temp=`echo $temp^3 | bc`       #make the cube of digit using bc - An arbitrary

        #precision calculator

   sum=`expr $sum +  $temp`     #calculate sum of cube of all the digit

   num=`expr $num / 10`



if test $sum -eq $tnum           #if the sum of cube of all the digit of given no is same as no


echo "Entered no $tnum is Armstrong number"


echo "Entered no $tnum is Not an armstrong number"





Enter the Number:


Entered no 151 is Not an armstrong number

Enter the Number:


Entered no 153 is Armstrong number

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