Procedure of unserviceable and obsolete items, Science

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1. Assume that your Counsellor is the Head of the Institution.

2. Your Counsellor will choose three of you and form a Survey Committee as follows:

one of you as Head of the Department                                Convenor of the Committee

1.      Another student as the Administrative Officer1             Members of the Committee

finance Officer of the Institution

2.      The third as the expert who has knowledge on

the cost of the laboratory articles

3. You and the other two members visit Chemistry or Physics or Botany or Zoology laboratory and give recommendations regarding any three items to be disposed of. The format for recording the recommendations of the Committee is given below in Part I.

4. The Convenor of the Committee shall submit the report to the Head of the Institution (i.e., the Counsellor).

The Head of the Institution gives his/her approval (in the report itself) suggesting the mode of disposal as

a) 'sale or open auction' or

b) 'to be written off '.

6. You assume that steps have been taken for disposal.

7. Part I1 of the report is illustrative of the entry to be made in the stock register/inventory register regarding the disposal of the item. This entry helps in arriving at the final stock balance. An extract of the page of the stock register is given as a table in Part 11. Each of you make relevant entry in this table for any one item disposed of.

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