Phonebook entry, Programming Languages

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The first task is to extend the  NeoPhoneBookEntry and  NeoPhoneBook classes to accommodate for  four additional contact  details:  Ringtone,  Vibration Pattern,  Led Pattern  and Ring Option. Ringtones are not  yet  implemented in this assignment so simply use "Default" wherever it is needed to be specified. A phonebook entry should therefore be in the extended format:


The  AddContactDialog should also be updated to display this information inside the "Ring" tab, with buttons allowing the user to select and attach a ringtone and vibration and led pattern to the contact. This task requires the following functionality:

  • Ringtone, Vibration, Led Pattern and Ring Option are required to be supported in NeoPhoneBookEntry (accessor methods).
  • AddContactDialog displays the Ringtone/Vibration/Led/Option information in the "Ring" tab. Wherever empty data is provided for Ringtone, the phonebook should interpret this as "Default".  Wherever the Vibration/Led Pattern is  empty, the phonebook should interpret this as "Pulse". Ring option corresponds to the index of a combo box in the Ring tab that will have the following elements in this order:


  • [] - denotes that [Orchestra] will be a default value for Ring Option
  • Users must be able to click buttons that will allow for them to browse and search

for ringtones, vibration or  led patterns. Ringtones will be determined by a ".aud" file extension,  vibrations use a ".vib" extension and led patterns use a ".led" extension. Clicking on the browse button will open a SelectCallDataDialog, which will facilitate the browsing and selection for each respective detail.

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