Parameter and keyword description - procedures, PL-SQL Programming

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Parameter and Keyword Description:


The user-defined procedure is declared by this construct.


This identifies the formal parameter that is a variable declared in the procedure specification and referenced in the procedure body.


These parameter modes define the behavior of the formal parameters. An IN parameter pass the values to the subprogram being called. The OUT parameter returns the values to the caller of the subprogram. An IN OUT parameter passes the initial values to the subprogram being called and returns the updated values to the caller.


This is a compiler hint but it is not directive, that allows the PL/SQL compiler to pass the OUT and IN OUT parameters by the reference rather than of by value.


The datatype construct is a type specifier.


This keyword or operator allows you to initialize the IN parameters to the default values.


This is a randomly complex combination of constants, variables, literals, operators, & function calls. The easiest expression consists of a single variable. When the declaration is explained, the value of the expression is assigned to the parameter. The value and the parameter should have the compatible datatypes.


The user-defined datatype is specified by this construct.


This declares the program object


This construct declares the function.


The procedure is declared by this keyword.


This construct relates an exception with a series of statements that is executed when the exception is raised.

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