Merits and demerits of stepper motor - stepper motor , Electrical Engineering

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Merits and Demerits of Stepper Motor

Followings  are the  merits and demerits  of stepper motors.

Merits :

a.They are compatible  with digital systems

b.For the control  of position and  speed it can be used in open loop  control  as well as closed  loop control.

c. A wide  range of step  angle is possible .

d.Since maximum  torque occurs at low  pulse rate in SM, hence it can accurate its  load easily.

e.Moment  of inert in is usually  low.

f.Without  any reduction gear it is possible  to move it at low  speeds.

g.Bidirectional control  is possible.

h.Excellent response to  stating  stopping reversing.

i.Very reliable since  there are  no  brushes in the motor.

j.Precise positioning  and reputability of  movement since good  stepper  motors  have an accuracy of 35 to 5% of a step and this  error is non cumulative from one step  to the  next.


a.Low  efficiency

b.Problem of resonance in VRM.

c.Proper  matching  between  load  and drive  is required.

d.Not easy to operate  at extremely high  speeds.

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