Logical scalar values - operators, MATLAB in Engineering

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Logical scalar values:

The MATLAB also has or and and operators which work element wise for the matrices:

1084_Logical scalar values.png

These operators will compare any of the two vectors or matrices, as long as they are of similar size, element-by-element, and return a vector or matrix of similar size of logical 1's and 0's. The operators |  | and && are only used with scalars, not matrices. For illustration,

>> v1 = [3 0 5 1];

>> v2 = [0 0 2 0];

>> v1 & v2

ans =

0  0  1  0

>> v1 | v2

ans =

1  0  1  1

>> v1 && v2

??? Operands to the || and && operators should be convertible to the logical scalar values.

1713_Logical scalar values1.png

As with numerical operators, it is significant to know that the operator precedence rules. Table shows the rules for the operators which have been covered faraway, in the order of the precedence.


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