Load from file and plot data, MATLAB Programming

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Example: Load from File and Plot Data:

As illustration, a file known as timetemp.dat stores two lines of data. The first line is the time of the day, and the next line is the recorded temperature at each of those times. The first value of 0 for the time presents midnight. For illustration, the contents of the file may be:

0  3  6  9 12 15 18 21

55.5 52.4 52.6 55.7 75.6 77.7 70.3 66.6

The script below loads the data from the file into a matrix known as the timetemp. It then separates the matrix into vectors for the time & temperature, and then plots the data by using black + symbols.

1476_Load from File and Plot Data.png

Running the script generates the plot seen in figure:


1645_Load from File and Plot Data1.png

Note that it is difficult to see the point at time 0 as it falls on the y-axis. The axis function can be used to change the axes from the defaults as shown 

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