LINE BALANCING, Financial Management

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2/12/2013 7:10:29 AM

Line Balancing
- Line: an assembly line composed of various work stations, at which particular operations are performed.

- To work efficiently, with no work pile-ups between stations, the line must be balanced, for example work must get through each workstation in roughly similar amount of time.
1. To meet production goals,
2. Maximize output.

General Approaches to Line Balancing Technique
1. Estimating number of operators for a specific number of stations,
2. Work element sharing: grouping “activities” each work elements into “stations” or jobs performed by a single person (occasionally multiple people work in concert at a single station or machine)


2/12/2013 7:33:12 AM

Assembly Line Balancing

Line Balancing and Work Cell Balancing is an efficient tool to increase the output of the Assembly line and Work Cell line to reduce manpower and cost. Assembly Line balancing is nothing though the Simple Line Balancing is the calculation of assigning works to workstation alongside an Assembly Line and that operation will be optima in sense. Henry Ford who was first introduced the Assembly Line Balancing and in early times it was simple line balancing (LB) that has optimized the industrial significance, the effective difference between the optimal and sub-optimal operation can afford savings that will be million dollars every year.

Singe-Model Assembly Line: in early times assembly lines were utilized in high level production of a single product. But now the products will draw customers with no any difference and allows the profitable use of Assembly Lines. An advanced technology of production which enables the automated setup of operations and it is negotiated time and money. One time the product is assembled in the same line and it won’t variant the setup or significant setup and it’s time that is utilized, this assembly system is called as Single Model Line.

LB: it is a Classical Operation Research (OR) which optimizes the problem, and it has been handled by OR for many decades. Several algorithms have been proposed to this problem and it contempt the usual importance of the issue and the OR utilizes to handle this. It’s commercial software which is available to optimize the industry and their lines.

Assembly Line Balancing is dependent upon 3 models and it is explained that these 3 types of models is related to Assembly Line Balancing and they are Single-Model Assembly lines, mixed models, and multi-model Assembly lines.

Multi-Model Assembly Line: in this type of model the uniformity of the assembled products and the production system is not that very much sufficient to accept the enabling of the product and the production levels. To decrease the time and money this assembly is arranged in batches, and this permits the short term lot-sizing issues which made in groups of the models to batches and the result will be on the assembly levels.

Mixed Model Assembly Line: in this model the setup time among the models would be decreased sufficiently and enough to be ignored. Thus this internal mixed model determines the assembled on the same line. And the type of assembly line wherein workers work in different models of a product in similar assembly line is called Mixed Assembly Line.

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