How does the study of personality shed light, Science

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How does the study of personality shed light onto behavior change for you?

Answer: In general, personality means as the sums of the characteristics or traits of the person; to others. As according to Gordon Allport, “Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment”. We can say that personality is an overall impression of a person which we form about him as per his physical and mental traits like height, appearance, intelligence, knowledge, attitude etc.
It is clear that how we behave is mostly influenced by our personality traits and this is the reasons that the other people can predict our behavior on the basis of our personality traits. In fact, as per the expectations of others, we also behave in the same way. As our traits change, it is visible through the changes in our behavior. For example, when a child grows, different personality traits takes place in his life and over the time period, it affects his behavior and it is visible to others and it changes the expectation of others too.

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