Explain various fields in ipv6 base header, Computer Engineering

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Explain various fields in IPV6 base header?

Although IPv6 base header is double as large as an IPv4 header, this contains less information. Given diagram demonstrates the format:

1811_The format of an Ipv6 base header.png

The format of an Ipv6 base header

Many of the space in header are devoted to two fields which identify the sender and recipient.

All address occupies 16 octets, four times than an IPv4 address.

As well to source and destination address, the bas header consists of six fields. The VERS field recognizes the protocol as version 6. The PRIORITY field gives the routing priority class. The PAYLOAD LENGTH fields correspond to IPv4's datagram length field. The HOP LIMIT is also corresponds to the IPv4 TIME-TO-LIVE field. IPv6 interprets the HOP LIMIT strictly field FLOW LABEL is proposed for use along with new applications which requires performance guarantees.

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