Explain the case clipperton island, Business Law and Ethics

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Explain the Case Clipperton Island

In Clipperton Island Case, an award was made in the arbitration which resolved a dispute between France and Mexico, in 1887, on the subject of sovereignty over an uninhabited island  in  the  Pacific  Ocean.  In  this  case,  French  plane  flew  over  an  island  and  found  an unoccupied island and asserted rights over that island. After many years another state contested over it but the court found for France following the principle of prescription.  Moreover, in 1948 the divisional line between India and Pakistan over Siachen issue was known as cease fire line. Later, under the Simla Agreement it was named as the line of control (LOC), meaning whereby, possession by India and Pakistan was seized. Both the nations had issues over the area above it and interpreted in their own favour thereby, ending up in a dispute. Considering the fact that Pakistani armies are controlling that area clearly embarks that it can be ascertained as Pakistan's territory.

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