C program to handle stack using exception handling, C/C++ Programming

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Aim: To implement a program to handle stack overflow, underflow and odd number exception using Exception Handling.





#define MAX 3


class stack



                  class full;

                  class empty;

                  class oddinput;


                  int stk[MAX];

                  int top;






void push(int item)




char o[40]="Odd Input!";

int n=item;

throw oddinput(o,n);




char o[40]="Stack Overflow!";

int n=item;

throw full(o,n);





int pop()




char o[40]="Stack Empty!";

int n=top;

throw empty(o,n);


int i=stk[top];


return i;


class full



char f_origin[40];

int f_val;

full(char o[40], int v)






class empty



char e_origin[40];

int e_val;

empty(char o[40], int v)






class oddinput



char o_origin[40];

int o_val;

oddinput(char o[40],int v)








void main()


stack s1;

int i;




cout<<"\nAdded 8";


cout<<"\nAdded 14";


cout<<"\nAdded 5";                                    //This will not print


cout<<"\nElement popped: "<


cout<<"\nElement popped: "<


cout<<"\nElement popped: "<


cout<<"\nElement popped: "<


cout<<"\nElement popped: "<


catch(stack::oddinput oi)


cout<<"\nException: "<


catch(stack::full f)


cout<<"\nException: "<


catch(stack::empty e)


cout<<"\nException: "<




Exception: Odd Input class

Added 8

Added 14

Exception: Odd Input!

 Input was: 5Press any key to continue


Exception: Full class

Added 8

Added 8

Added 8

Exception: Stack Overflow!

Input was: 14Press any key to continue


Exception : Empty class

Added 8

Added 8

Added 14

Element popped: 14

Element popped: 8

Element popped: 8

Exception: Stack Empty!

Input was: -1Press any key to continue

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