c++ Program Please see where i do mistake, C/C++ Programming

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class Employee
char *Name; //Set them as pointers...
int IdNumber;
char *Department;
char *Position;


void setName(char Name);
void setDepartment(char Dept);
void setIdNumber(int ID);
void setPosition(char POS);
Name=" ";
Department=" ";
Position=" ";
void Employee::setName(const char* Name)
Name = Name;
void Employee::setIdNumber(int ID)
IdNumber = ID;
void Employee::setDepartment(const char* Dept) //WTF? why integer? Keep as character string!
Department = Dept;
void Employee::setPosition (const char* POS) //Same thing here!
Position = POS;
char Employee::getName() //const //What are these for?
return Name;
int Employee::getIdNumber() //const //What are these for? Plus, get your return types right!
return IdNumber;
char Employee::getDepartment() //const //What are these for? Plus, get your return types right!
return Department;
char Employee::getPosition() //const //What are these for? Plus, get your return types right!
return Position;
int main()
Employee SusanMeyer(), MarkJones(), JoyRogers();
SusanMeyer.setPosition("Vice President"); //etc.. for all the other guys...

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