Bottleneck for external sources for health care, Biology

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Bottleneck for External Sources for Health Care

The implementation bottlenecks arising out of funding by external sources have important implications for the resource allocation by donor countries in general and for its effective utilisation by the recipient countries in particular. Donors as well as recipients need to hold themselves mutually accountable for their promises, commitments, actions and results. Donor countries need to reconcile and harmonise their national political interests with the global needs. They also need to increase the predictability and longevity of aid flows.

Recipient countries, on their part, need to improve governance, their macroeconomic and budgetary management capacity, reduce corruption, and ensure that they have well functioning health systems supported by long-term sustainable financing systems. Partnerships with international aid giving agencies must be effectively combined with suitable institutional arrangements in the recipient countries. Such arrangements should involve national nongovernmental service providing agencies. Together, the efforts must aid the achievement of objectives in terms of improved human development indicators.

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