Angel of Death Gareth Williams Reading Guide, Other Subject

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I could really use some help with this reading guide for Angel of Death - The story of smallpox by Gareth Williams. My dad had a stroke 2 days ago and he needs 24/7 care and my mom can''t afford to miss any work and I have no time to read this book and answer the questions. Could someone who has read the book please help me. Here are the Questions.

What is the major claim or thesis of the book or article? (This means that the author has 1) to tell what happened (the 5 Ws); 2) explain how or why. In historical writing this is what the thesis should achieve.)

Is the information supported by evidence? Take a good look at the footnotes or endnotes. What kinds of sources did the author use? What other sources might have been used? (Be specific: not just lots of books and information but what sorts: diaries, court records, et cetera.)

What are the primary assumptions on which the author bases the argument''s main claim? Do you agree with those assumptions? [To help you to identify them, assumptions have these features (the following list taken from,…
or unstated
Taken for granted
Influential in determining the conclusion
Necessary, if the reasoning is to make sense
Potentially deceptive]

What is the bias (perspective) of the author? (Motive can be a clue here. Why is the author writing this? Is the author trying to challenge or complicate another interpretation?

Where is the argument vulnerable, weak, or thin? Are other interpretations of the author’s evidence possible?

Williams writes that inoculation efforts were practiced in non-Western areas before vaccination. What can we learn about non-western societies attitudes about science, religion, and medicine from Williams’ account?

What transatlantic connections does Williams describe?

How does Williams describe the relationship between money, medicine, and variolation specific to social divisions? Do you think similar conditions exist?

What are the four lessons Williams says we can learn from smallpox prevention and why does he think these are important?

How is Williams’ account of small pox and responses to it an example of conjuncture, contingency, and, or accident?

Any help is appreciated.

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