Aircraft internal and external markings, Other Engineering

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SMOKING IN AIRCRAFT - Reference: ANO Article 66 and JAR-25.791

Every aircraft registered in the U.K. must have a notice indicating when smoking is prohibited. The notice must be so positioned that is visible to each passenger seated in the aircraft.

FASTEN SEAT BELTS - Reference: ANO Schedule 4 or JAR-25.791

Every aircraft registered in the U.K. in the Transport Category must, if the commander of the aircraft from his own seat is unable to see all of the passengers seats, have a means of indicating to the passengers that the seat belts should be fastened.

EXIT and BREAK-IN MARKINGS - Reference: ANO Article 62 or JAR-25.811

When a Public Transport aircraft registered in the U.K. is carrying passengers, every exit from, and every internal door in the aircraft shall be in working order and, during take-off, landing or any emergency, must be free from obstruction and not fastened by locking or otherwise so as to prevent, hinder or delay its use by passengers.

Every exit from the aircraft must be marked with the words "EXIT" or "EMERGENCY EXIT" in capital letters. Every exit from the aircraft must be marked with the instructions in English and with diagrams to indicate the correct method of opening the exit. The markings must be placed on or near the inside surface of the door or other closure of the exit and, if it is openable from the outside of the aircraft, on or near the exterior surface.

Aircraft above 3600kg MTOM are normally marked on the exterior surface of their fuselage to show the "BREAK-IN" areas, which can, for the purpose of rescue in an emergency, be most readily, and effectively broken into by persons outside the aircraft. In some circumstances, these markings may be omitted, providing authorisation from the C.A.A. has been obtained.

Break-in areas must be rectangular in shape and must be marked by right angled corner markings each arm of which must be 10cm (4") in length along its outer edge and 2.5cm (1") in width. The words "CUT HERE IN EMERGENCY" must be marked across the centre of each break-in area in capital letters.

On aircraft above 5700kg MTOM, every exit intended to be used by passengers in an emergency, must be marked on the exterior of the aircraft by a band not less than 5cm (2") in width, outlining the exit.

(a) Painted or affixed by some other equally permanent means

(b) Be RED in colour and, if the background renders the red colour not easily visible, it must be outlined in WHITE or some other contrasting colour.

(c) Of a colour clearly contrasting with its background

(d) Kept clean and unobscured at all times.

If one, but not more than one, exit from an aircraft becomes inoperative at a place where it is not reasonably practical for it to be repaired or replaced, there is nothing to prevent the aircraft from carrying passengers until it next lands at a place where the exit can be repaired or replaced provided that:

(a) the number of passengers carried and the position of the seats which they occupy is in accordance with arrangements approved by the C.A.A. either in relation to the particular aircraft or class of aircraft; and:

(b) in accordance with the arrangements in (a), the exit is fastened by locking or otherwise, the words "EXIT" or "EMERGENCY EXIT" are covered and the exit is marked with a RED disc at least 23cm (9") in diameter with a horizontal WHITE bar across it bearing the words "NO EXIT" in RED letters.


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