Air borne diseases, Science

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Air Borne Diseases:

A number of diseases are caused due to bacteria and virus that are carried in the air. When an infected person sneezes  or coughs, there is a noticeable spray of drops. These  tiny droplets of  liquid contain germs which can remain afloat in the air for a long period. If another person  is standing by, he is likely to breathe in quite a lot of  such geps  and thus get infected. One sick person can thus infect a lot of others. The common cold virus is spread in this way. In Table are  given diseases  that are  spread in various ways. As listed,  leprosy is also  spread in similar way. But it spreads only if  the Victim remains very close  to the diseased person for a long period, and it takes very long time for the symptoms to develop. These diseases spread easily in damp closed spaces.  

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