Abstract array - c program, C/C++ Programming

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Abstract array - c program:

AbstractArray::AbstractArray( int anUpper, int aLower, sizeType aDelta )


    PRECONDITION( anUpper >= aLower );

    lastElementIndex = aLower - 1;

    lowerbound = aLower;

    upperbound = anUpper;

    delta = aDelta;


    theArray = new Object *[ arraySize() ];

    if( theArray == 0 )



    for( int i = 0; i < arraySize(); i++ )


        theArray[ i ] = ZERO;






    PRECONDITION( theArray != 0 );

    if( ownsElements() )

        for( int i = 0; i < arraySize(); i++ )

            if( theArray[ i ] != ZERO )

                delete theArray[ i ];

    delete [] theArray;



void AbstractArray::detach( Object& toDetach, DeleteType dt )


    detach( find( toDetach ), dt );



void AbstractArray::detach( int atIndex, DeleteType dt )


    PRECONDITION( atIndex >= lowerbound &&

                  atIndex <= upperbound && theArray != 0



    if( ptrAt(atIndex) != ZERO )


        if( delObj(dt) )

            delete ptrAt(atIndex);




    if( atIndex <= lastElementIndex )


    CHECK( itemsInContainer != UINT_MAX );



void AbstractArray::flush( DeleteType dt )


    if( delObj(dt) )

        for( unsigned i = 0; i <= zeroBase(upperbound); i++ )

            if( theArray[i] != ZERO )

                delete theArray[i];


    for( unsigned i = 0; i <= zeroBase(upperbound); i++ )

        theArray[i] = ZERO;


    itemsInContainer = 0;

    lastElementIndex = lowerbound-1;



inline unsigned nextDelta( unsigned sz, unsigned delta )


    return (sz%delta) ? ((sz+delta)/delta)*delta : sz;



void AbstractArray::reallocate( sizeType newSize )


    PRECONDITION( newSize > arraySize() );

    if( delta == 0 )



    sizeType adjustedSize = arraySize() +

                            nextDelta( newSize - arraySize(), delta );

    Object **newArray = new Object *[ adjustedSize ];

    if( newArray == 0 )



    memcpy( newArray, theArray, arraySize() * sizeof( theArray[0] ) );


    for( int i = arraySize(); i < adjustedSize; i++ )

        newArray[i] = ZERO;


    delete [] theArray;

    theArray = newArray;

    upperbound = adjustedSize + lowerbound - 1;



void AbstractArray::setData( int loc, Object *data )


    PRECONDITION( loc >= lowerbound && loc <= upperbound );

    theArray[ zeroBase(loc) ] = data;



void AbstractArray::insertEntry( int loc )


    PRECONDITION( loc >= lowerbound && loc <= upperbound );

    memmove( theArray + zeroBase(loc) + 1,

             theArray + zeroBase(loc),

             (upperbound - loc)*sizeof( theArray[0] )




void AbstractArray::removeEntry( int loc )


    if( loc >= lastElementIndex )

        theArray[zeroBase(loc)] = ZERO;


        squeezeEntry( zeroBase(loc) );



void AbstractArray::squeezeEntry( int squeezePoint )


    PRECONDITION( squeezePoint >= 0 &&

                  squeezePoint <= zeroBase(lastElementIndex)



    memmove( theArray + squeezePoint,

             theArray + squeezePoint + 1,

             (zeroBase(lastElementIndex)-squeezePoint)*sizeof( theArray[0] )


        theArray[zeroBase(lastElementIndex)] = ZERO;



int AbstractArray::find( const Object& o )


    if( o == NOOBJECT )

        return INT_MIN;


    for( int index = 0; index < arraySize(); index++ )

        if( *(theArray[index]) == o )

            return boundBase(index);

    return INT_MIN;



inline int isZero( const Object *o )


    return o == &NOOBJECT;



int AbstractArray::isEqual( const Object& testObject ) const


    PRECONDITION( isA() == testObject.isA() );

    AbstractArray& test = (AbstractArray&)testObject;

    if( lowerbound != test.lowerbound || upperbound != test.upperbound )

        return 0;


    for( int i = 0; i < arraySize(); i++ )


        if( isZero(theArray[i]) != isZero(test.theArray[i]) )

            return 0;

        if( *(theArray[i]) != *(test.theArray[i]) )

            return 0;


    return 1;



ContainerIterator& AbstractArray::initIterator() const


    return *( (ContainerIterator *)new ArrayIterator( *this ) );



void AbstractArray::printContentsOn( ostream& outputStream ) const


    ContainerIterator& printIterator = initIterator();

    printHeader( outputStream );

    while( printIterator != 0 )


        Object& arrayObject = printIterator++;

        if( arrayObject != NOOBJECT )


            arrayObject.printOn( outputStream );

            if( printIterator != 0 )

                printSeparator( outputStream );





    printTrailer( outputStream );

    delete &printIterator;



ArrayIterator::ArrayIterator( const AbstractArray& toIterate ) :

    beingIterated( toIterate ),

    currentIndex( toIterate.lowerbound )









ArrayIterator::operator int()


    return currentIndex <= beingIterated.upperbound;



Object& ArrayIterator::current()


    if ( currentIndex <= beingIterated.upperbound )

        return beingIterated.objectAt( currentIndex );


        return NOOBJECT;



void ArrayIterator::scan()


    if( currentIndex > beingIterated.upperbound )



    while( ++currentIndex <= beingIterated.upperbound &&

           beingIterated.objectAt( currentIndex ) == NOOBJECT )

        ;   // empty body



void ArrayIterator::restart()


    currentIndex = beingIterated.lowerbound;

    if( beingIterated.objectAt( currentIndex ) == NOOBJECT )




Object& ArrayIterator::operator ++ ( int )


    Object& res = (currentIndex <= beingIterated.upperbound) ?

        beingIterated.objectAt( currentIndex ) : NOOBJECT;




    return res;


Object& ArrayIterator::operator ++ ()



    return (currentIndex <= beingIterated.upperbound) ?

        beingIterated.objectAt( currentIndex ) : NOOBJECT;



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