Write java program that display a welcoming message

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131437984

Write a complete Java program with the following specifications:

  • Display a welcoming message such as: "Welcome to Cubing Program!"
  • Prompt the user twice to enter two positive whole numbers, indicating starting and finishing values, first one being smaller than the second one
  • Calculate the cube of each number from starting value to finishing value and then display an appropriately headered two column table with each row containing the number and its cube
  • Display a farewell message such as: "Goodbye, thank you for using our program!"

As an example, if the starting and finishing values were 2 and 4 respectively, the table in the output would look something like the following:

Number Cube

2 8

3 27

4 64

Ensure that the program is appropriately documented throughout and thoroughly tested to demonstrate its correct operation.

Reference no: EM131437984

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