Write a java program that calculates and displays the result

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13773463

1. Write a Java program that calculates and displays the results of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, bitwise &, or bitwise | operation on two integer values input by the user. The program should prompt the user two integers and the operation to be performed. Here is a sample run

Enter the first integer: 24 Enter the second integer: 4 Enter the operation: + The results of 24 + 4 is 28

2. Write a Java program prompts a user to enter demographic information including year of birth (values 1900-2014), month of birth (values 1-12), day (value of 1-31) of birth, latitude and longitude of home address current grade point average (GPA). Here is a sample run:

Enter your birth year (1900-2014): 1989 Enter your birth month (1-12): 10 Enter the day of the month of your birth (1-31): 15 Enter the latitude of your home address: 38.3658 Enter the longitude of your home address: 75.5933 Enter your current GPA (0.0-4.0): 3.8

Note the following output application:

1. Integer months have been converted to the correct text values (e.g. 1= January, 2= February 2. The latitude and longitude data included the degrees symbol (°). (Hint: Use Unicode characters)

Reference no: EM13773463

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