What do you notice about the terminal angle

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Reference no: EM131305158

Robotics Assignment-

Investigation into the control of an electric motor using MatLab.

An electric motor can be described by  the following two coupled second order differential equations, see the PowerPoint notes for a derivation.

Task 1: Try using different supply voltages and note the effect on the 'terminal speed' and initial acceleration of the motor.  Record your results in table included in a word document.

To measure the initial acceleration you need to measure the change in velocity and divide it by the change in time over a small time interval just after the motor was turned on.  You will need to write some code to do this (or zoom into the region of interest in the graph). 

Add additional voltages in the range [0V, 16V] to make your table unique. You may need to add code to the m-file to display numbers that you can record. Comment on your results.

Plot a graph of terminal speed vs input potential.

Task 2: Adjust the spring constant and look at the resulting terminal angle of the motor. You can estimate the overshoot also. Comment on your results. The terminal angle is just the final position value and the overshoot can be estimated by taking the difference between the maximum value and the terminal value. Again if it helps here is some code.

What do you notice about the terminal angle as the spring constant gets bigger? Record at least one set of graphs in addition to producing the table requested.

Task 3: Set S=-1.0 then increase the damping constant, b, from 0.01 to 0.04 and note the effect on the oscillations.  Does this modify the response time of the motor? You could write code to measure the response times or carefully estimate from the graph. Record your observations.

Task 4: Run the code as supplied and study the graphs produced. Complete the table shown below.




Distribution S

Steady State Error

Rise Time











































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Reference no: EM131305158

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12/8/2016 2:32:44 AM

Submit a word document that starts with your name and then details your findings for Task 1 to Task 4 described above. Include figures and tables with your report. Keep it brief, and make it your own. You can cut and paste tables from the spreadsheet into your word document. PDF is also valid (and perhaps better) if you prefer.

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