What conclusions you can make about each companys ability

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131237211

Financial Project

Project Description

Term Paper

Write a 5-7 page research paper on the selected companies below. The 5-7 pages do not include the title page, graphs or references... they are extra. The paper must include an introduction or abstract and a summary conclusion.

OPTION: You may select any two companies, who are competitors in the same industry that are not on the list. But, they must be public companies. Please let me know in advance if you wish to select different companies than what is offered below.

Company Examples:

Coke and Pepsi
Home Depot and Lowe's
Costco and Sam's Club
Giant and Albertson's
CVS and Walgreens
Regal and AMC
HP and IBM

(Option: any two public companies in the same industry)

Note: This is not a "group" effort as is suggested in the course Syllabus.

Set-up your paper using the following example:

Project Assignment Using Coke and Pepsi as an Example:

Long time competitors in the soft drink industry, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola continue efforts to gain additional market share. Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? Let's take a look at these two companies from a financial perspective rather than our drink preference.

To learn more about PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Enterprises, download the latest PepsiCo 2014 Annual Report at: HYPERLINK "https://www.pepsico.com/docs/album/default-document-library/pepsico-2014-annual-report_final.pdf" https://www.pepsico.com/docs/album/default-document-library/pepsico-2014-annual-report_final.pdf and the Coca-Cola 2014 Annual Report at https://ir.cokecce.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=117435&p=irol-reportsannual:. Review the annual reports for general information.


1. Read -Understanding the Income Statement at: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/04/022504.asp

2. Read -Reading the Balance Sheet at: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/04/031004.asp

3. Compute- the following financial ratios for both companies and provide as an appendix to the required paper. If you need help understanding the meaning of the ratios or how to they are computed, go to: https://www.investopedia.com/university/ratios/

Liquidity measurement ratio: • Current ratio
Profitability indicator ratios:• Return on assets • Return on equity
Debt ratio: • Debt ratio
Operating performance ratio: • Fixed asset turnover ratio
Cash flow indicator ratio: • Dividend payout ratio
Investment valuation ratio: • Price / Earnings ratio

For each company and comparing the two, you are to write a 5 - 7 page report that answers the following six items. The best way to write your paper is by numbering the six items and answering them accordingly. *

1. Provide a short background on each company, the industry and the market (growing, declining, etc.?) in which they operate. (This should be no more than 1 page for both companies in total and can be a part of your introduction.)

2. Using the current ratio and debt ratios, discuss what conclusions you can make about each company's ability to pay current liabilities (debt). Support your conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why not?

3. Using the profitability and operating performance ratios, discuss what conclusions you can make about each company's profits over the past three years. Support your conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why not?

4. Using the cash flow indicator and investment valuation ratios, discuss which company is more likely to have satisfied stockholders. Support your conclusions. Which company is doing better, why or why not?

5. As an investor, discuss which company you would choose to invest in and provide a rationale for your decision. Support your conclusions, why or why not?

6. After concluding your research about each company and reviewing their annual report, discuss what non-financial criteria you would consider when choosing between these two investment options? Support your conclusions, why or why not?


• * The format of the report as indicated above will be graded as indicated in the course Syllabus in "More on the Grading Criteria".

• You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

• Warning:Do not attempt to find a pre-written paper on the Internet to satisfy this assignment. I will utilize TurnItIn to determine authenticity of your work.

Reference no: EM131237211

Questions Cloud

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