What character you should use to create your output figure

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13886192

You will write a program that reads from one file, interprets what it reads and writes to a second fine.

There is an example input file in Moodle: infile.dat. You will need to copy those files onto your computer in the same folder that contains the main.cpp program for this project.

The program should then do the following things:

1) Open infile.dat for reading.
2) Open outfile.dat for writing.
3) Read the information on infile.dat, one line at a time, until the file is at EOF.
4) Interpret the information read and write the appropriate output on outfile.dat.
5) Close both files.

In Moodle there are example programs that open a file and read from it, write to it, or append to it. You should use these to give you an idea of how to do the file I/O portion of this exercise.

Each record (line) of infile.dat will have the following format: code char value1 value2(optional) The code will be from the following set of characters: D, R, S, T, E.

The char will be a single character and indicate what character you should use to create your output figure.

The values will be the size of the output figure. For D, S, and T, there will be only one value. For R, there will be two. E will have no additional values on its line.


If the code is an E, you are to end the program. Diamond

If the code is a D, you are to create a diamond of the char. Diamonds should always have an odd number for their dimension. For example, with the line

D ! 3

You should generate a diamond that looks like

! ! !

For the line D *5

You should generate a diamond that looks like



If the code is an S, you are to create a square of the char. For example, with the line S!3 You should generate a square that looks like

! ! !
! ! !
! ! !

For the line S@5

You should generate a square that looks like



If the code is a T, you are to create a triangle of the char. For example, with the line T=3

You should generate a triangle that looks like


For the line T^ 5

You should generate a triangle that looks like


If the code is an R, you are to create a rectangle of the char. Rectangles, have two values, rows and columns. For example, with the line
R a 2 4

You should generate a rectangle that looks like aaaa


For the line R &6 3

You should generate a rectangle that looks like




Notes to keep in mind:

• Before starting, think about what information you'll need to keep track of during

• The program will use a reading loop, some way to determine what code was entered, and a function to draw each shape. The function will need to have as parameters the character to use to draw the shape, the dimension(s) of the shape, and the ouput file to write it on.

• You should check for an improper file. That is, if you get an EOF when trying to read something, you should exit the program with an error message.

Example Input File T&4

S@6 Tx5
R *5 7 D-7 D +5
R =43 E


Before you submit your work, take a look at the evaluation criteria and make sure that your program meets them.

Attachment:- Main_.cpp

Reference no: EM13886192

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