Tools of imperialism-russia pulled out of the great war

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM13229685

1. All of the following were tools of imperialism EXCEPT:

A) Steamboats B) Railroads C) Weapons D) Medical advancements

2. Social Darwinists argued that nonwhite races were biologically inferior to white Europeans.

A) True

B) False

3. Nietzsche found meaning in a hostile world lacking divine order in the struggle to create new values by cultivating long-submerged instincts

A) True

B) False

4. Russia pulled out of the Great War

A) as a result of the death of the Tsar

B) as a result of German conquest of Moscow

C) as a consequence of the Bolshevik revolution

D) as a result of the defeat of Russian troops in Serbia

5. The United States entered WWI for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

A) the German resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare

B) the Zimmerman telegram

C) the assassination of Franz Ferdinand

D) news of German atrocities in Belgium

6. Match the nation with its possession in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific by 1914.

A. France

B. Great Britain

C. U.S.A.

D. Spain

E. Japan

___ Cambodia

___ Korea

___ Philippines

___ India

___ Hong Kong.

Reference no: EM13229685

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