The meeting medical challenges with artificial intelligence

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Reference no: EM13731308 , Length: 2 Pages

Meeting Medical Challenges with Artificial Intelligence

One area where human intelligence is limited is in the area of medicine. It often takes a doctor to determine a medical condition, and doctors cannot be everywhere. However, if the knowledge and processes that doctors use can be transmitted to machines, the knowledge and diagnosis of the medical field can be greatly expanded.

Discuss how expert systems, neural networks, and genetic algorithms can help scientists meet medical challenges. Provide an example of each system. Select one of your three examples and describe the system more in-depth. Give an example of a system currently being used and describe how and where it is in use today.

Reference no: EM13731308

Questions Cloud

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The meeting medical challenges with artificial intelligence : Discuss how expert systems, neural networks, and genetic algorithms can help scientists meet medical challenges. Provide an example of each system. Select one of your three examples and describe the system more in-depth. Give an example of a syste..
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