The implementation of an integrated is solution

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Reference no: EM133927



a) The IT Strategy at Nestlé is almost entirely dictated by the business strategy of implementing a common business process architecture. What were the motives behind this business strategy?

b) From an organisational perspective, what is required for this strategy to work effectively?

c) Make a strategic analysis of Nestlé using the five-force model

d) Apply the application portfolio methodology to categorise the different Information Systems mentioned in the case

e) Discuss the causes and implications of the strategic IS shift initiated by the corporate leadership

f) Describe how the IT architecture at Nestlé has been drastically changed as part of the GLOBE project

g) How would you imagine the impact of the control over internal IT costs and spending during the implementation phase of the GLOBE project?

h) Which project management methodology would you adopt for a successful completion of the GLOBE project? Justify your answer


a) Describe the challenges that many organisations face in aligning IS Strategies with Business Strategies

b) State some best practices to ensure IS/ Business Strategies alignment and integration

c) "When we can't improve the people, we should improve the process." How far can process improvement lead to successful IT/IS Strategy implementation?

d) The School IT Project has one of its objectives to equip around 217 schools with PCs loaded with either open source or branded software to access centralised courseware and other teaching and learning materials. Imagine a possible IT acquisition strategy taking into account a limited budget and other constraints. Justify your answer

e) Is an IT/IS Sourcing Strategy complimentary to the solution in d)?

f) How can IT Value Management be ensured in d) and e)?


Mauritius has witnessed a flash flood on the 26 March 2008 that has traumatised the population with 4 persons killed by flooded rivers. Due its geographical location in the Indian Ocean, the island remains vulnerable to tsunamis and other natural disasters. Information Systems are of paramount importance in forecasting weather conditions and issuing alerts to the people.

a) Discuss how Integrated Information Systems and Services could be strategic to organisations in the utilities (Electricity, Water, and Telecom.) sectors in Mauritius

b) Is the role of a CIO relevant in the above mentioned organisations in (a)?

c) What are critical success factors for successful implementation of the integrated solutions proposed in (a)?

d) Give a brief overview of what should be the content of a contingency plan associated with the IS/IT Strategic Plan in connection with the implementation of the integrated IS in (a)

e) Design a risk matrix to show the likelihood and the impacts of the risks of the failures of the critical IS

f) What is the role of Business Process Re-engineering in the implementation of an integrated IS solution?

Reference no: EM133927

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