Testing of a new lubricant in cold metal forming

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Reference no: EM131043050 , Length: word count:3000


Use the format provided in the Assessment Two Example to guide you in the look, feel and requirements of your submission.

The assessment involves:

i) Write an abstract for your research (this abstract will take the form of one suitable for a journal article). It should take the following form:
a. TOPIC: Outline topic area

b. SIGNIFIGANCE: Why is your research important?

c. METHODOLOGY: How are you conducting your research?

d. FINDINGS: What came from your research? (Create your own finding - make it up)

e. CONCLUSION: As a result we recommend.....

The abstract should be no longer than 200 words. While the abstract is the first activity it should be the very last thing that you write. If you try and write this first you might struggle. You won't have any findings (as you are not undertaking any real research), so pretend that you did the experiment and mention your findings.

ii) You need IMPROVE and resubmit your Introduction Chapter from Assessment One. You should use the feedback from the marked version and make all the necessary improvements. If you need to slightly change the wording of your research question, you may do so. The markers will have greater expectations compared to assessment one.

Reflective Practice

You have an opportunity to IMPROVE your assessment one score

- If your assessment one score was below 50% you have an opportunity to improve your score. If in the resubmission your introduction score is 2 out of 4 your assessment one mark will be upgraded to 13 out of 30. If your score is 3 out of 4 your assessment one mark will be upgraded to 15 out of 30. If your score is 4 out of 4 your assessment one score will be upgraded to 18 out of 30.

- If your assessment one score was above 50% you have an opportunity to improve your score. If in the resubmission your introduction score is 4 out of 4 your assessment one mark will be upgraded with up to 3 bonus points (score cannot exceed 30)

iii) Update and submit your Literature Planner

iv) Complete a Literature Review Chapter. This is only a short literature review (~2000 words) identifying key findings in the area, leading into the gaps in our current

understanding that your research studies seek to address. This should then lead into a research proposal/design.

v) Complete a Research Design Chapter. This is only a short research design (~1000 words) where you will need to:

- Articulate and justify a research design that will answer your research question (and hypothesis, if appropriate) that addresses the identified gap(s) in knowledge;
- The design decisions should be justified by the literature;
- Identify the specific methods that will be used to gather data (e.g., participants, methods, data collection instruments/measures/hardware/software, types of data generated) and justify how this complements your research question; and
- Identify any limitations (e.g. weaknesses) in your research design;
- Briefly discuss the ethical considerations that are specific to your research design or topic in general (≤ 200 words).
- The design decisions should be justified by the literature;

I have attached the introduction that i had prepared by using the journals mentioned in the literature planner which is also attached.

My research question is "influence of variations in load, indenter size and sample preparations on nano indentation test of ultra fine grained aluminum fabricated by accumulative roll bonding process". so assessment 2 should be the detailed explanation of this research question.

I had attached an example of assessment 2 and also the requirements (marking rubric) demanded by the university. some important details are quoted in the assessment two details which is also attached with this mail. please maintain the flow and try not to deviate from the research question.

I am doing masters in mechanical engg and its a subject called research methods. We have to submit a 2000 word literature review and 1000 words literature design and i have done the introduction part so i would like to know that if you are able to do that as my research question ie we have to find a research question from the downloaded journals and i have found one.so could you complete that with the journals that i have downloaded?

Attachment:- mas.rar

Reference no: EM131043050

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