Research the companys risk management strategies

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131026365

Risk Management Strategy

Choose a company with which you are familiar. Research the company's risk management strategies. Research professional resources identifying effective employment practices to reduce risk using a search engine of your choice from the Internet, your texts, or the University Library. Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation of total 12 to 15 slides outlining a socially responsible risk management strategy for your chosen company. Presentation should be 9 to 10 slides, not including the title page, Q&A page, or References page. Include brief speaker notes.

IN THE ALTERNATIVE, YOU MAY CHOOSE TO WRITE AN 800-1,000 WORD PAPER IN LIEU OF THE POWER POINT PRESENTATION IF THAT BETTER SUITS YOUR LEARNING STYLE You do not have to get my approval prior to choosing one option or the other. Dina

Summarize the following: Goals of risk management Identification of applicable risk factors Strategies for managing each risk factor Plan for continued monitoring and adjustment Social implications and responsibilities Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131026365

Questions Cloud

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Research the companys risk management strategies : Choose a company with which you are familiar. Research the company's risk management strategies. Research professional resources identifying effective employment practices to reduce risk.
Compute the total heat loss in watts : Suppose that Ti = 20 and To= Find the other three temperatures and the heat loss rate q in watts/meter2. Compute the total heat loss rate in watts if the wall's area is 10 meters2.
Confidence interval for difference in mean reductions : Determine a 95% confidence interval for the difference in the mean reductions in blood pressure, assuming that the measurements are normally distributed with equal variances.
Confidence interval for difference in mean reductions : Determine a 95% confidence interval for the difference in the mean reductions in blood pressure, assuming that the measurements are normally distributed with equal variances.
Create a community health intervention/program. : Provide detailed information on how you will use the five steps of programming (program planning) to create a community health intervention/program.


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