Movie should be represented

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13168210

Each movie should be represented by an object of type Movie. The Movie class must provide two public fields: title and category. Both of these fields should be Strings. The class should also provide a constructor that accepts a title and category as parameters and uses the values passed to it to initialize its fields. That will be all that is in the Movie class.

I already have a class named MovieIO that has a method named getMovie. This method accepts an int argument that can be a number from 1 to 100. When called with an integer, it returns a unique title and category for each value passed to it. You should use this method to create the object Movie to fill an array list of type Movie with the 100 movies (using the add method).

Since in this project we already have all the Arraylist entries in the class MovieIO, we need to build the Arraylist of type Movie at the very beginning of the main method. When the user enters a category, use an enhanced for loop to do the comparison. Use an object as identifier in the for loop with the arraylist - Example - for (Movie m : arraylist). You can than have an if statement, within the for loop, comparing the instance variable category of the Movie object m against the keyed in category. If equal - print the title instance variable.

Reference no: EM13168210

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