Maximum value for our stakeholders

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13139348 , Length: 800 Words


"Our vision is to be the preferred world leader in chemicals"


"Our mission is to responsibly provide quality products and services through innovation, learning and operational excellence while sustaining maximum value for our stakeholders"

SABIC is one of the best 10-world companies, as such it implement different strategies to maintain its position and to go forward. From the corporate strategies that SABIC follow are the growth strategy, the backward integration and cost-leadership strategy . In the five of its business unit it is used the cost-leadership strategy, but in the innovation plastic this strategy is not used because it oppose its objectives.

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Reference no: EM13139348

Questions Cloud

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How long would the channels need to stay open : Cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations typically rise about 50-fold when Ca2+ channels open in the plasma membrane. Assume that 1000 Ca2+ channels open in a cell with a volume of 1000 µm3 and an internal Ca2+ concentration of 100 nM.
Old testament and patriarchs : What impact does Aaron of the Old Testament have on Moses? On Israel? Include a description of his character in this discussion.
Output levels of higher order products of linear amplifier : Output levels of higher order products of a linear amplifier, If a tone is put into an amplifier, and its amplitude is increased by 1 dB, how much will the amplitude of the third-order products increase in dB?
Maximum value for our stakeholders : Our mission is to responsibly provide quality products and services through innovation, learning and operational excellence while sustaining maximum value for our stakeholders
Method-technique and findings of an audit : Research and locate a company who was audited by an outside source and explain the method, technique, and findings of an audit.
What chemical process causes the egg white to change color : what chemical process causes the egg white to change color when it is placed into the hot pan?
Find structural difference between the two polysaccharides : as both starch and cellulose are chemically identical chains of glucose, what is the structural difference between the two polysaccharides?
Define invesitagtion of intermodulation through an amplifier : Invesitagtion of Intermodulation through an amplifier, An amplifier is designed to handle frequencies around 9 GHz. The bandwidth of the amplifier is 2 GHz with a center frequency of 9 GHz


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