Lawsuit for fraudulent mispresentation

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Reference no: EM1321155

In 2006, Robert Anthony, individually and on behalf of others, brought a suit against Yahoo in Federal District court, alleging fraud and negligent misrepresentation among other things.

When singles (and others) create their profiles for online dating services, they tend to exaggerate their more appealing features and down play or omit their less attractive attributes.

In 2006, Robert Anthony, individually and on behalf of others, brought a suit against Yahoo in Federal District court, alleging fraud and negligent misrepresentation among other things.

Assume that Anthony had contacted various users of Yahoo's online dating service only to discover that each user's profile exaggerated the user's physical appearance, intelligence, and occupation. Would Anthony prevail if he brought a lawsuit for fraudulent mispresentation against yahoo in that situation? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM1321155

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