Java servlet uses doget to return markup document

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM1347299

1. Write down Java servlet which uses doGet to return markup document which provides your name, e-mail address, and mailing address along with a brief autobiography. Test your server with a simple markup document.

2. Write a servlet that returns a randomly chosen greeting from a list of five different greetings. The greetings must be stored as constant strings in the program"

Reference no: EM1347299

Questions Cloud

Example on business issue : Business Issue - Solve a business issue such as job dissatisfaction, learning theories, narcissism etc
How much ice is melted because of the collision : A boat moves relative to water with a velocity which is n =2 times less than the river flow velocity. At what angle to the stream direction should the boat move to minimize drifting.
Determining cost volume profit analysis : Factors which must be taken in account when making decisions regarding price, such as any change in risk involved in cost-volume-profit structure; the link between short- and long-run prices
Explain the mechanics of supply and demand both in short run : Explain why do you think it is important for managers to understand the mechanics of supply and demand both in the short run and in the long run
Java servlet uses doget to return markup document : Write down Java servlet which uses doGet to return markup document which provides your name, e-mail address, and mailing address along with a brief autobiography.
Find height of the image of the person on the film : A spring of constant 3.00 x 10^4 N/m is between a rigid beam and the output piston of a hydraulic lever. An empty container with negligible mass sits on the input piston. The input piston has Areai and output piston has area 18 A.
Compute value of deadweight loss with new demand curve : Compute the value of deadweight loss with the new demand curve to verify your intuition about the answer to the previous question.
Question related to dividend theory : Dividend Theory - Based on what you know about dividend theory, determine the correctness of each of the statements
Pricing and purchasing changes : Use correct terms and theories to analyze the case provided below. The analysis answer the following questions: How would you determine the pricing and buying changes.


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