How are data structures managed and organized in language

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13772275

Choose Java and answer theese questions

How are data structures managed and organized in this language?

How does the management or syntax of data structures in this language differ from how data structures are handled in other language?

Give an example of how a data structure is used in this language, including declaration, setting values in the structure, and using values contained in the structure

Does the language include an ArrayList structure? If so, how does it differ from ArrayLists in other languages, such as C#?

Does the language include a generic structure, meaning one which does not require the setting of a data type before it can store data? If not, does the language have any means by which variables can be stored without a data type?

Are the data structures in this language strongly or weakly typed?

Are there any significant general advantages or disadvantages to using data structures with this language?

Reference no: EM13772275

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