Health economics assignment

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM131704

I. Health economic theory and practice

- Based on your work experience, expertise, or the field of interest, select a health care issue in your health care system (for example, uneven distribution of physicians, shortage of nurses, long waiting for elective surgery,...etc), explain and analyse the problem, identify one related health care policy that has been implemented or suggested, explain this policy, discuss and criticise it from an economic perspective.

II. Health care system reform

- There are some economic commentators who do not see health care as being different to other goods and services and thus argue that we should use the private competitive market in delivering health care. From both positive perspective (for example, market failure and efficiency) and normative economic perspective (for example, equity and justice), Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.

- Your work must be your own and should be analytical in nature, showing your understanding of the relevant issues. Simple descriptive work is not adequate or appropriate.

- Your work must reflect the topic you have selected. You will not be given credit for excellent work covering issues unrelated (or very peripheral) to the topic you have chosen.

Reference no: EM131704

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