Explain the advantage of using mysql transaction

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131397666

Practical Tasks

Tasks instructions: Please give the solutions to the following tasks.

None of the following are conceptual/knowledge "question and answer" type of written tasks. They all have practical part that requires the solution coding samples. The solution coding can be from your project, your class exercises, or from an example solutions in your reference books or other tutorial resources related based on which you have practiced in preparation of doing your project.

Please describe and provide either PHP/MySQL coding evidence or the screenshot evidence of PHP/MySQL coding for all the following.

Note: Important, please do not mistake the following tasks as "question and answer". None of them are questions; they all have practical part, which requires the evidences (either screenshots or code example.)

1. Please describe and provide either PHP/MySQL coding evidence or the screenshot evidence of PHP/MySQL coding for the following:
(4 Marks)

The implementation of MySQL database insert and update inside PHP coding.

2. Please describe and provide either PHP/MySQL coding evidence or the screenshot evidence of PHP/MySQL coding for the following:

The implementation of MySQL database select (with "ordered by" sorting feature) and MySQL delete.

3. Please describe and provide either PHP/MySQL coding evidence or the screenshot evidence of PHP/MySQL coding for the following:

Simple PHP overloading.

4. Please describe and provide either PHP/MySQL coding evidence or the screenshot evidence of PHP/MySQL coding for the following:

Why do we need PHP exception handling in PHP coding? Please list 5 exception handling methods. Give one example of basic use of exception.

5. In object-oriented programming I, we have explained how to set up a PHP class to represent and store the components of the structure of a webpage to meet the requirement of the project. Suppose the values of these components are to be stored in a MySQL tale, please propose the structure of such a table.

The description of this task must be demonstrated in the context of the understanding of the difference between small sized and medium-sized application programming, or sequential and object oriented programming, ie, the concept of object-oriented programming and language (PHP) that support it.

6. Please describe and provide either PHP/MySQL coding evidence or the screenshot evidence of PHP/MySQL coding for the following:

A PHP class being intertied multiple inherited. (Hint: new objects created for index.php and about_us.php for instance).

7. Please describe and provide either PHP/MySQL coding evidence or the screenshot evidence of PHP/MySQL coding for the following:

Database connection routine in PHP coding.

8. Please explain the advantage of using MySQL transaction and its integrity? Please give an example.

9. Usethe following example, explain the process and techniques related to the use of a graphical user interface (GUI), to accommodate the interaction between an operator inside the client's company and the database where the information of the webpage is represented.

Please giving one example of interface building using PFBC (PHP Form Builder Class)? (You can refer to the examples from: https://code.google.com/p/php-form-builder-class/)

10. Please provide and name and web address of two stand-alone PHP debugger (or Debugging Tools)? Giving one example of the logic and coding error identification; one example of detection and correction of error.

11. Please give an example of testing with SimpleTest? (Please refer to the examples from: www.simpletest.org)

12. During testing of your PHP project, you might be using either of the flowing:

- Smoke Testing
- Functionality Testing
- System Testing
- Retesting
- Regression Testing
- Performance Testing
- Please give an example of Smoke testing or Regression testing procedure

13. Usethe following example, outline and explain the techniques to document applications/programming.

Please give an example of the use of API and phpDocumentor in PHP project?

Note: The following assessment task should not be considered as question and answer tasks. You are required to provide evidence that you not only understand the relevant knowledge, but also evidence that you can process the relevant required procedures.

Reference no: EM131397666

Questions Cloud

What sampling technique : What sampling technique, listed in Figure 14.4, on page 304 of the Basic Marketing Research textbook, will you recommend for the study? Why? Be specific.
Information from some management trainees : In the past, the HR department has gathered information from some management trainees, who reported the name of a competitor from which they received another offer and the size of their starting salary.
Identify key stakeholders with whom you would collaborate : Imagine that you are a high school counselor planning a career fair. Identify key stakeholders with whom you would collaborate. Describe the role of each of the stakeholders you selected
Classify complaints by severity on a scale from one to three : Classify the complaints by severity on a scale from one to three, where one is the most severe. Select one of the severe complaints and recommend a solution.
Explain the advantage of using mysql transaction : Explain the advantage of using MySQL transaction and its integrity? Please give an example - describe and provide either PHP/MySQL coding evidence or the screenshot evidence of PHP/MySQL coding
Alaska airlines-navigating change : What was Alaska Airline's most dramatic argument, or burning platform, for change? What organizational change tools would you use to address the issues at Alaska Airlines and how would you create short-term wins? Be sure to explain your reasoning.
Find some basic information about the birds nest : Find some basic information about the Bird's Nest like its location, when it was started and finsihed. Writing about one and half page with listing points. There is an example below with another building.
Discuss about the post given below : HSC544:You will add to this guide in future classes. If you have already completed similar work for other HSC classes, these resources must be in addition to other ones used. If you have already used resources for other classes in the program, ..
Occurring in companies across america : What sort of quality control can be imposed on an outside organization that runs 1-800 numbers? Is the company that contracts them, or is there an unjustified leap of faith that is occurring in companies across America?



2/17/2017 5:43:35 AM

Client's Remarks please find attached my assignments details It's 50% weight and very important The criteria is on that file as well.....So don't miss them out please Do as it says We use w3schools For php and sql


2/17/2017 5:43:17 AM

6.1 Read and interpret the supplied design document, to create the code 6.2 Create and maintain program documentation • The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor. • Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term. • Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency. • If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. • Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student handbook).


2/17/2017 5:42:58 AM

2.1 Design and implement programs that connect to a database 2.2 Design and implement programs that use the language facilities to extract, update, and delete data stored in a database 2.4 Write programs that deliver transactional integrity 3.1 Employ the graphical user interface (GUI) framework, or text windowing interface, appropriate to the chosen language 4.1 Use stand-alone debugging tools, or tools provided by the integrated development environment, to examine variables, and trace the running code 4.2 Use the debugger to detect logical and coding errors 4.3 Use the tracing of code and examination of variable contents during execution, to detect and correct errors 5.1 Design and document limited tests of code 5.2 Undertake limited testing of the produced code to ensure that it complies with the program specification 5.3 Capture and document the test results


2/17/2017 5:42:50 AM

Performance for Competency Code 1.1 Review the program requirements 1.3 Use at least two of the utilities of the target language, allowing for the internal storage of collections of data 1.4 Use the utilities of the target language, providing internal data-sorting and searching facilities 1.8 Use the operator and function or method overloading facilities available in the language, at an introductory level 1.9 Use exception-handling techniques to ensure program stability 1.10 Use of a class that is based on multiple inheritances

Write a Review

PL-SQL Programming Questions & Answers

  Create a database model

Create a database model and Submit the table creation statements for the Database Model.

  Write pl-sql procedures and functions

Write PL/SQL procedures and functions to populate and query that database

  Sql questions

Write a query to display using the employees table the EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME and HIRE_DATE of every employee who was hired after to 1 January, 1995.

  Run the lab_03_01.sql script

Run the lab_03_01.sql script in the attached file to create the SAL_HISTORY table. Display the structure of the SAL_HISTORY table.

  Write sql queries

Write a query to display the last name, department number, and salary of any employee whose department number and salary both match the department number and salary of any employee who earns a commission.

  Explaining sql insert statement to insert new row in cds

Write down a SQL insert statement to insert new row in "CDS" table.

  Write down name of actors in ascending order

Write down actors (or actress, your choice, but not both) who have won at least two (2) Academy Awards for best actor/actress. Provide the actor name, movie title & year. Order the result by actor name."

  What is an sql injection attack

What is an SQL injection attack? Explain how it works, and what precautions must be taken to prevent SQL injection attacks.What are two advantages of encrypting data stored in the database?

  Determine resonant frequency in series rlc resonant circuit

Given the series RLC resonant circuit in the figure, operating at variable frequency, determine: The resonant frequency ω o ,  The circuit’s quality factor Q , The cut-off frequencies, f 1  & f 2  and the bandwidth BW

  Query that uses cube operator to return lineitemsum

Write summary query which uses CUBE operator to return LineItemSum (which is the sum of InvoiceLineItemAmount) group by Account(an alias for AccountDesciption).

  Query to show customers were missing for existing orders

As DBA, your manager called a meeting and asked why there are so many orders for customers that don't exist in the customer table. Write query which would shows which customers were missing for existing orders. Use a join or a subquery.

  Sql query into a relational algebra statement

Turn this SQL query into a relational algebra statement? SELECT Request.reqfor, Ordering.invamt, Ordering.invnbr, Ordering.invdat

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